Thursday, 15 October 2015

Photographer Research: Martin Parr

Martin Parr 

Following my research on Peter Dench, and my study of many photographers who have photographed Britain, and In particular the working classes, the next photographer I aim to look at is Martin Parr.

The work of Peter Dench which was very colourful, bold, brash and honest really reminded me of work I have previously seen by Martin Parr. Although Martin Parr has photographed all over the world, I am aware of some work he has produced of British people. Parr is a documentary photographer who often photographs these 'everyday' people as i earlier referred to them as in a previous post. The vast majority, the working class, the average classes. Past work by Martin Parr has been of tourists abroad and British people at the seaside.

Martin Parr's 'Life's a beach' documents British people on Brighton Beach in the 1980's. a lot of Martin Parr's work is used as his own propaganda or as his own way of addressing current day issues and political views. This project is a perfect example of that. During the 19980's a great emphasis on the working class was in place due to Thatcherism and conservatives ruling Britain. As it may be common knowledge to many, working class people struggled during these times more than ever due to the loss of so many jobs due to government cuts.

This concept of photographing working class people and the everyday people of Britain links with my own minor project. Much controversy had been caused over this project by Martin Parr due to the fact he was more a middle class individual and he was chosing to present photographs which some argued portrayed the working class in a negative light, saying his work was almost a mockery of the working or lower classes.

This issue of what to photograph and how the images may be read by the viewer is something I have been considering much so in my own work. The interesting aspects when photographing subject matter such as this does tend to be the more grim aspects however this can then lead to the images being read as a negative portrayal of whatever I as the photographer am trying to portray. 

Research Peter Dench

Photographer Research

Peter Dench

In relation to the work created of Durham Big meeting, i am choosing to look at other photographers who may photograph in a similar style to me or who have chosen to photograph a similar subject matter. I am looking to find inspiration from other photographers, particularly in terms of what subject matter to photograph. I know myself i take an interest into the every day people of Britain, the  working class in particular.

Peter Dench British photographer who has created many projects relating to the everyday British people. With the majority of people in the country being classed as working or lower class, these are the kind of people i mean when i say 'everyday'; the majority.

One series of images produced by Peter Dench which particularly have become of interest to me are from his project called 'Alcohol & England'.

This extremely interesting and at times shocking and funny series of images shows British people excessively drinking. Something which is probably fair to say the British are famous for.

A select few images are shown upon his website, the images have actually been produced as a book. A bigger variety of the images can be found on 'Getty images'

The images present a selection of all kinds of british people, from all classes and backgrounds, with one thing linking them all together...Alcohol.

The images are taken in colour, all of the bright colours really stand out in the images. A lot of the images don't particularly look composed or thought about to much, with different angles and all sorts of different subject matter, colours and scenes. The idea of being drunk and un-orderly seems to be portrayed in the images them selves through this bold and almost carefree style.

Although the photography is documentary, which i tend to think normally can be seen as a more serious genre, some of the images have a particular feel of humour to them. The series of images remind me of images I've seen before by Martin Parr, another british photographer whom choses to document the people of Britiain in this bold and brash style.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Photography Collectives

When researching 'Amber' for my dissertation it has been brought to my attention that it would be helpful for me to research into what a 'collective' is, as Amber is a collective of photographers and film makes whom have created this body of work about the North East of England between the years 1968 and 2010.

Other more well known collectives are collectives such as Magnum and Vii photo. A slight definition of a collective is given on this website i found whilst researching:

"IN RECENT YEARS, the photo collective has emerged as a clear and strategic response by photographers who've reasoned that – in uncertain times – there is strength in numbers."

The NameRazón is Spanish for "reason." "We believe that the underlying reasons for making documentary work are equally important to the work itself,"

Another example of a collective is the 'Black Audio Collective'
This collective is a portrayal of Black audio film between the years 1982-1998

As all collectives do, they need funding and support from outside parties, for example this particular collective has support from foundations such as the Arts Council England